K O - H U M is a Berlin based company which curates, develops and promotes stimulating projects by artists working across sound, music, visual and performing arts.
Through close dialogue with a range of collaborators, the company supports artists in releasing their works, facilitating performances and establishing authentic ventures with cultural institutions, bookings, media outlets and venues.
At the heart of the company's practice is a process-based relationship between artist and audiences, which seeks to give the projects space to find their own rhythm, public outputs, and discourse.
Founded in 2017, K O - H U M ’s core aim is to foster a dialogue between a range of disciplines by providing a platform where adventurous minds can encounter art that contextualizes, interprets, educates and expands culture, leading us to the edges of the contemporary experience.
Nicolai and Sakamoto have collaborated together since 2002, releasing six albums together. ‘Glass’ is a live recording from a site-specific 2016 performance by Ryuichi Sakamoto and Alva Noto at the architect Philip Johnson’s iconic Glass House, in New Canaan, Connecticut. The performance was organized by Irene Shum, Curator and Collections Manager of the Glass House. The forty-five minute sound experimentation was captured in Derrick Belcham’s film of the haunting soundscape created by Sakamoto and Nicolai at the Glass House.

Watch the Film by Derrick Belcham
Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto site specific performance at the Glass House

Picture by Taylor Deupree
Release date: February 16. 2018
Format: 12 inch LP, digital & cd
'Glass' is available on
More info